Electromagnetic Source driven with dielectric - Patch antenna


I try to model electromagnetic radiation from a patch antenna. In particular, I am not sure on the considerations for computing correctly the fields when a dielectric is present.

Would appreciate help on the definition of spaces, boundaries, solver and field data, to compute the total field? Code below:

# Boundary element method solver for electromagnetic fields - Bempp
  import bempp.api
except ImportError:
  print("installing bempp ...")
  !pip install bempp-cl --quiet
  !pip install meshio --quiet
  !pip install gmsh --quiet
  print("installed bempp.")
  import bempp.api
if (LocalComputing):
  bempp.api.GMSH_PATH = 'C:/WPy64-39100/python-3.9.10.amd64/Scripts/gmsh'#bempp.api.utils.which("gmsh")
import numba

def BemppApiGridUnion(grids, domain_indices=None, swapped_normals=None):
  Return the union of a given list of grids.
  grids: list
      A list of grid objects.
  domain_indices : list
      Attach a list of domain indices to the new grid such that grid[j] received the domain index domain_indices[j]
  swapped_normals : list of boolean
      A list of the form [False, True, ...], that specifies for each grid if the normals should be swapped (True) or not (False). This is helpful if one grid is defined to be inside another grid.
  This method returns a new grid object, which is the union of the input grid objects.
  vertex_offset = 0
  element_offset = 0

  vertex_count = sum([grid.number_of_vertices for grid in grids])
  element_count = sum([grid.number_of_elements for grid in grids])

  vertices = np.empty((3, vertex_count), dtype="float64")
  elements = np.empty((3, element_count), dtype="uint32")
  all_domain_indices = np.empty(element_count, dtype="uint32")

  if domain_indices is None:
      domain_indices = range(len(grids))

  if swapped_normals is None:
      swapped_normals = len(grids) * [False]

  for index, grid in enumerate(grids):
      nelements = grid.number_of_elements
      nvertices = grid.number_of_vertices
      vertices[:, vertex_offset : vertex_offset + nvertices] = grid.vertices
      if swapped_normals[index]:
          current_elements = grid.elements[[0, 2, 1], :]
          current_elements = grid.elements
      elements[:, element_offset : element_offset + nelements] = (current_elements + vertex_offset)
      all_domain_indices[element_offset : element_offset + nelements] = domain_indices[index]
      vertex_offset += nvertices
      element_offset += nelements
  return bempp.api.grid.grid.Grid(vertices, elements, all_domain_indices)

# Patch antenna

OperationalFrequency=3e9 # Hz

#Patch antenna dielectric

GridSizeh=0.1*np.min([OperationWavelengthFreeSpace,OperationWavelengthPA]) # h : float; A floating point number specifying the grid size. Very critically computation value. Dimensions and positions of interest should be larger than this value.

NxPoints=64 #

[xMatrix, yMatrix, zMatrix] = np.mgrid[-Xlength/2.0:Xlength/2.0:NxPoints*1j,-Ylength/2.0:Ylength/2.0:NyPoints*1j,-2*Zrange/22.0:20*Zrange/22.0:NzPoints*1j]#np.mgrid[-extent:extent:nx * 1j,0:0:1j,-extent:extent:nz * 1j]
PointsVstack = np.vstack((xMatrix.ravel(), yMatrix.ravel(), zMatrix.ravel()))

# Compute interior and exterior indices
all_indices = np.ones(PointsVstack.shape[1], dtype='uint32')


interior_indices = np.where(RectangleMask)
exterior_indices = np.where(RectangleMask==False) #~interior_indices0 & ~interior_indices1

int_points = PointsVstack[:, interior_indices]
ext_points = PointsVstack[:, exterior_indices]

# Geometry
plate1 = np.array([[0.5*OperationWavelengthPA, 0.5*OperationWavelengthPA, -0.2*OperationWavelengthPA],[-0.5*OperationWavelengthPA, 0.5*OperationWavelengthPA, -0.2*OperationWavelengthPA],[-0.5*OperationWavelengthPA, -0.5*OperationWavelengthPA, -0.2*OperationWavelengthPA],[0.5*OperationWavelengthPA, -0.5*OperationWavelengthPA, -0.2*OperationWavelengthPA]])
plate2 = np.array([[0.25*OperationWavelengthPA, 0.25*OperationWavelengthPA, 0.0*OperationWavelengthPA],[-0.25*OperationWavelengthPA, 0.25*OperationWavelengthPA, 0.0*OperationWavelengthPA],[-0.25*OperationWavelengthPA, -0.25*OperationWavelengthPA, 0.0*OperationWavelengthPA],[0.25*OperationWavelengthPA, -0.25*OperationWavelengthPA, 0.0*OperationWavelengthPA]])

gridDielectricRect = bempp.api.shapes.cuboid(length=(1.0*OperationWavelengthPA,1.0*OperationWavelengthPA,0.2*OperationWavelengthPA), origin=(0, 0.0, -0.1*OperationWavelengthPA), h=GridSizeh)

grid1 = bempp.api.shapes.screen(plate1,h=GridSizeh)
grid2 = bempp.api.shapes.screen(plate2,h=GridSizeh)

# BemppApiGridUnion - Not good that elements touch each other
grid = BemppApiGridUnion([grid1,grid2,gridDielectricRect])

# We define the spaces of order 0 RWG div-conforming functions and order 0 scaled Nédélec curl-conforming functions.
div_space = bempp.api.function_space(grid, "RWG", 0)
curl_space = bempp.api.function_space(grid, "SNC", 0)

### Source driven
#Edges to Identify
edgeV1 = [0.0*OperationWavelengthPA, 0.125*OperationWavelengthPA, -0.2*OperationWavelengthPA]
edgeV2 = [0.0*OperationWavelengthPA, 0.125*OperationWavelengthPA, 0.0*OperationWavelengthPA]
#Get Edges
edgeInd=[] # A list because maybe more than one edge is found
for i, e in enumerate(grid.edges.T):
  if ((np.abs(grid.vertices[:, e[0]]-edgeV1)<=GridSizeh*0.5).all() or (np.abs(grid.vertices[:, e[0]]-edgeV2)<=GridSizeh*0.5).all()):
    if ((np.abs(grid.vertices[:, e[1]]-edgeV1)<=GridSizeh*0.5).all() or (np.abs(grid.vertices[:, e[1]]-edgeV2)<=GridSizeh*0.5).all()):
# Get DOF
print('edgeInd: '+str(edgeInd))

for iIter in range(0,len(edgeInd),1):
  for edges, dofs in zip(grid.element_edges.T, div_space.local2global): 
    for e, d in zip(edges, dofs): 
      if e == edgeInd[iIter]: 
        dof[iIter] = d 

print('dof: '+str(dof))
#Set-Up Coefficients
coefficients[dof] = 1.0+1j*0.0 # Source phasor. I belive it is a voltage source since the operators are electric field operators

# trace_fun is important to define the feeding:
# - an incident field: probably fun=tangential_trace
# - a source driven element: probably fun=coefficients - https://bempp.discourse.group/t/how-to-use-bempp-for-source-driven-em-problems/25/3

# Boundaries - for electromagnetic fields    
# Next, we define the Maxwell electric field boundary operator and the identity operator. For Maxwell problems, the domain and range spaces should be div-conforming, while the dual_to_range space should be curl conforming    
A0_int = bempp.api.operators.boundary.maxwell.electric_field(div_space, div_space, curl_space, wavenumberkPA)
A0_ext = bempp.api.operators.boundary.maxwell.electric_field(div_space, div_space, curl_space, wavenumberk)
identity = bempp.api.operators.boundary.sparse.identity(div_space, div_space, curl_space)
# Operators might be linearly combined - For instance one can dominate over the other?
A = ((np.sqrt(RelativePermittivityPA)-1.0)/np.sqrt(RelativePermittivityPA))*A0_int+(1.0/np.sqrt(RelativePermittivityPA))*A0_ext#np.sqrt(RelativePermittivityPA)*A0_int+A0_ext#bempp.api.GeneralizedBlockedOperator([[A0_int,identity],[A0_ext,identity]])

trace_fun = bempp.api.GridFunction(div_space, coefficients=coefficients, dual_space=curl_space)
rhs = trace_fun
# Solver
lambda_data_sol = bempp.api.linalg.lu(A, rhs)

# Evaluate the fields
# Since there are no magnetic parts, we do not need the magnetic operator
slp_pot_int = bempp.api.operators.potential.maxwell.electric_field(div_space, PointsVstack, wavenumberkPA)
slp_pot_ext = bempp.api.operators.potential.maxwell.electric_field(div_space, PointsVstack, wavenumberk)
# Normalization to the free space perspective

# Now compute the total field
field_data = np.empty((3, PointsVstack.shape[1]), dtype='complex128')
field_data[:, interior_indices] = interior_values[:, interior_indices]
field_data[:, exterior_indices] = exterior_values[:, exterior_indices]

Basically this part:

# Boundaries - for electromagnetic fields    
# Next, we define the Maxwell electric field boundary operator and the identity operator. For Maxwell problems, the domain and range spaces should be div-conforming, while the dual_to_range space should be curl conforming    
A0_int = bempp.api.operators.boundary.maxwell.electric_field(div_space, div_space, curl_space, wavenumberkPA)
A0_ext = bempp.api.operators.boundary.maxwell.electric_field(div_space, div_space, curl_space, wavenumberk)
identity = bempp.api.operators.boundary.sparse.identity(div_space, div_space, curl_space)
# Operators might be linearly combined - For instance one can dominate over the other?
A = ((np.sqrt(RelativePermittivityPA)-1.0)/np.sqrt(RelativePermittivityPA))*A0_int+(1.0/np.sqrt(RelativePermittivityPA))*A0_ext#np.sqrt(RelativePermittivityPA)*A0_int+A0_ext#bempp.api.GeneralizedBlockedOperator([[A0_int,identity],[A0_ext,identity]])

trace_fun = bempp.api.GridFunction(div_space, coefficients=coefficients, dual_space=curl_space)
rhs = trace_fun
# Solver
lambda_data_sol = bempp.api.linalg.lu(A, rhs)

# Evaluate the fields
# Since there are no magnetic parts, we do not need the magnetic operator
slp_pot_int = bempp.api.operators.potential.maxwell.electric_field(div_space, PointsVstack, wavenumberkPA)
slp_pot_ext = bempp.api.operators.potential.maxwell.electric_field(div_space, PointsVstack, wavenumberk)
# Normalization to the free space perspective

# Now compute the total field
field_data = np.empty((3, PointsVstack.shape[1]), dtype='complex128')
field_data[:, interior_indices] = interior_values[:, interior_indices]
field_data[:, exterior_indices] = exterior_values[:, exterior_indices]```

Improved code with both incident waves and excitation (e.g. pathc antenna) in: Ph.D. Marc Jofre Cruanyes