Dear Bempp team,
I think there is an implementation error in the barycentric refinement of the order 1 P space in Bempp-cl 0.3.1. Calling
returns a SpaceBuilder object, where the (numba) surface gradient is set to _numba_p0_surface_gradient
(i.e., the surface gradient is the zero vector everywhere) and the order is set to 0. Since the function’s description also mentions “a space of piecewise constant functions”, I suppose that the definition of the barycentric order 0 P space and order 1 P space have been mixed up. First, I tried to fix this problem locally, however, there still seems to be an issue using the surface_gradient
function of the order 1 P space’s barycentric refinement (test scripts build upon this function do not give the correct results). Could there be more errors than those mentioned above (in the
Thank you very much in advance.
Kind regards,