Cylinders origin

Hello Everyone,

BEM++ seems to be a great and powerfull tool, however I have some stupid problem with a cylinder shape, trying to find the solutions of the Masxwell’s exquation for a radio wave. The object:

bempp.api.shapes.shapes.cylinders( h=1.0 , z=1.0 , r=[0.5, 1, 1.5, 1.7] , square=False )

seems to have no explicite origin, like the others. How can I fix it and move the object / put it in the desired place? Possibly I just have to add a shift vector, but I am not shure how. Sorry, but the definitions of the objects meshes are somehow intransparent for me, please help.

Thank you in advance!


Currently, cylinders has no origin input, but I’ve just opened a pull request to add one: Add origin input to cyliders by mscroggs · Pull Request #147 · bempp/bempp-cl · GitHub.

More generally, if you want to use a shape that isn’t provided in the shapes module, you can write a import the function __generate_grid_from_gmsh_string and pass a gmsh string into this. For example, the following example will make a mesh just like bempp.api.shapes.cylinders, but you could edit the gmsh string to adjust the mesh. (I made this example by adding a print inside the cylinders function)

from bempp.api.shapes import __generate_grid_from_gmsh_string
geo = """
cl = 1.0;
z = 1.0;
Point(1) = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, cl};
Point(2) = {0.5,0.0,0.0,cl};
Point(3) = {0.0,0.5,0.0,cl};
Point(4) = {-0.5,0.0,0.0,cl};
Point(5) = {0.0,-0.5,0.0,cl};

Circle(1) = {2, 1, 3};
Circle(2) = {3, 1, 4};
Circle(3) = {4, 1, 5};
Circle(4) = {5, 1, 2};
Line Loop(11) = {3, 4, 1, 2};
Plane Surface(21) = {11};
Point(6) = {1.0,0.0,0.0,cl};
Point(7) = {0.0,1.0,0.0,cl};
Point(8) = {-1.0,0.0,0.0,cl};
Point(9) = {0.0,-1.0,0.0,cl};

Circle(5) = {6, 1, 7};
Circle(6) = {7, 1, 8};
Circle(7) = {8, 1, 9};
Circle(8) = {9, 1, 6};
Line Loop(12) = {7, 8, 5, 6};
Plane Surface(24) = {12, -11};
Point(10) = {1.5,0.0,0.0,cl};
Point(11) = {0.0,1.5,0.0,cl};
Point(12) = {-1.5,0.0,0.0,cl};
Point(13) = {0.0,-1.5,0.0,cl};

Circle(9) = {10, 1, 11};
Circle(10) = {11, 1, 12};
Circle(11) = {12, 1, 13};
Circle(12) = {13, 1, 10};
Line Loop(13) = {11, 12, 9, 10};
Plane Surface(27) = {13, -12};
Point(14) = {1.7,0.0,0.0,cl};
Point(15) = {0.0,1.7,0.0,cl};
Point(16) = {-1.7,0.0,0.0,cl};
Point(17) = {0.0,-1.7,0.0,cl};

Circle(13) = {14, 1, 15};
Circle(14) = {15, 1, 16};
Circle(15) = {16, 1, 17};
Circle(16) = {17, 1, 14};
Line Loop(14) = {15, 16, 13, 14};
Plane Surface(30) = {14, -13};
out[] = Extrude {0,0,z} {Surface{21}; Layers{cl};};
Reverse Surface{21};
Physical Surface(10) = {21, out[0]};
Physical Surface(21) = {out[2], out[3], out[4], out[5]};
out[] = Extrude {0,0,z} {Surface{24}; Layers{cl};};
Reverse Surface{24};
Physical Surface(20) = {24, out[0]};
Physical Surface(32) = {out[2], out[3], out[4], out[5]};
out[] = Extrude {0,0,z} {Surface{27}; Layers{cl};};
Reverse Surface{27};
Physical Surface(30) = {27, out[0]};
Physical Surface(43) = {out[2], out[3], out[4], out[5]};
out[] = Extrude {0,0,z} {Surface{30}; Layers{cl};};
Reverse Surface{30};
Physical Surface(40) = {30, out[0],out[2], out[3], out[4], out[5]};
b() = Boundary{Volume{1};};
b() = Boundary{Volume{2};};
b() = Boundary{Volume{3};};
b() = Boundary{Volume{4};};

Mesh.Algorithm = 3;

grid = __generate_grid_from_gmsh_string(geo)

Thank you very much,

I was first probably a little bit overwhelmed by the gmsh-language, which I will have to study next. The answer to my question, which I found out at the end myself was much simpler: having a mesh, to move it about a vector, say [x,y,z] is just to manipulate the objects variable vertices, i.e.:

mesh.vertices[0]+=x; mesh.vertices[1]+=y; mesh.vertices[2]+=z

Thank you very much anyway!