Axisymmetric simulations for a neumann problem

For a horn loudspeaker radiation problem in bempp I’d like to speed up simulations. As the boundaries are rigid and axisymmetric i’d like to simulate in 2d instead of 3d, drastically reducing the complexity of the problem. This is a feature commonly used in BEM simulation software for acoustic and electroacoustic applications such as Akabak.

Can bempp run such models?

If revolved around it’s axis you’ll obtain this device with in the center the cone, in this case moving in the +/- z direction

The bempp-cl library currently offers capability for 3D problems only. It’s true that axisymmetric BEM will speed up calculations but requires different meshes and Green’s functions than the ones currently implemented. The only option is to revolve the geometry and generate triangular surface meshes and perform 3D simulations.

Thanks Elwin for your quick response.

Meshing could be resolved. The Green’s functions, however, I’ve got no idea what the implications are to include it in bempp-cl package.

Do you happen to know by any chance whether this feature is on the roadmap to be included in bempp-cl?

Programming new Green’s function requires adjustments to the core of bempp-cl and incorporating axisymmetric models will require considerable implementation effort. As far as I know, there are currently no developments to include this feature in the library.

Understood, thanks. Let me know if you’d think it makes sense to log this feature request somewhere. Cheers.